
Google Ads

We Craft Best GOOGLE ADS Packages That will Suit your Business.

Monthly Budget Up to $4000 Express

$600 /Month

  • Accounts Setup
  • Google PPC Network
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • PPC Remarketing
  • Google Display Network
  • Geo Targeting Setup
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Bid Setup
  • Ad Scheduling Setup
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Ad Copy Optimization
  • Keyword Bid Optimization
  • ROI Analysis
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • A/B Testing
  • Google Analytic Setup
  • Monthly Reporting

Monthly Budget $4001 - $8000 Standard

$1200 /Month

  • Accounts Setup
  • Google PPC Network
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • YouTube Video Ads
  • PPC Remarketing
  • Google Display Network
  • Geo Targeting Setup
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Bid Setup
  • Ad Scheduling Setup
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Ad Copy Optimization
  • Keyword Bid Optimization
  • ROI Analysis
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • A/B Testing
  • Google Analytic Setup
  • Monthly Reporting

Monthly Budget Above $8000 Plus

$2000 /Month

  • Accounts Setup
  • Google PPC Network
  • Bing Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Snapchat Ads
  • Classified Sites Ads
  • Gmail Ads
  • Sale Funnels Creation
  • YouTube Video Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • PPC Remarketing
  • Google Display Network
  • Geo Targeting Setup
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Bid Setup
  • Ad Scheduling Setup
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Ad Copy Optimization
  • Keyword Bid Optimization
  • ROI Analysis
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • A/B Testing
  • Google Analytic Setup
  • Monthly Reporting

Cloud Hosting

$29.99 /Month

At Softcrust, our Google Ads PPC approach is centred around an in-depth analysis of your market to ensure that every ad dollar is strategically allocated for maximum impact. We provide Google Ads Packages tailored to your business needs, offering various options that best align with your objectives. You can access a strategic PPC marketing approach that delivers targeted, effective ad campaigns by choosing one of our packages.

Our dedicated team of PPC experts focuses on creating optimized strategies that boost traffic and enhance your online visibility. We leverage our expertise in crafting ads that resonate with your target audience, leading to increased engagement and conversion rates. With Softcrust’s Google Ads Packages, your business will benefit from a personalized approach designed to achieve your goals.

Our strategic approach involves monitoring and optimizing your Google Ad campaigns to ensure consistent performance improvements. We continuously assess key performance indicators to fine-tune your campaigns, ensuring that your budget is utilized efficiently and effectively. This commitment to excellence sets our Google Ads Packages apart, providing you with the support you need to drive meaningful results.

With our support, you can expect a noticeable increase in performance as we drive more relevant traffic to your site and boost conversions. By choosing Softcrust’s Google Ads Packages, you invest in a comprehensive approach to PPC marketing that balances your budget and objectives, ultimately helping you achieve sustained growth and success in your market. Let us help you elevate your online presence and maximize the potential of your Google Ads campaigns.

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Special Offer: Free 1-1 Consultation with Tauseef Shah, a Free Audit, and a Free Ebook!

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Monthly Budget Up to $10,000 Express
Creation of ad campaigns
Development of the Google Ads strategy
Intensive keyword research
Creation and testing of advertisements
Selection and adaptation of the bid strategies
Optimization of technical campaign settings
Conversion tracking and modeling
Maintenance and optimization of campaigns
Analysis of performance indicators, tracking KPI for the project
Testing hypotheses on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
Optimization of advertising campaigns based on KPIs
Bid optimization and campaigns adjustment
Creation of new advertising campaigns and ads
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Monthly Budget $10,000 - $30,000 Standard
Creation of ad campaigns
Development of the Google Ads strategy
Intensive keyword research
Creation and testing of advertisements
Selection and adaptation of the bid strategies
Optimization of technical campaign settings
Conversion tracking and modeling
Maintenance and optimization of campaigns
Analysis of performance indicators, tracking KPI for the project
Testing hypotheses on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
Optimization of advertising campaigns based on KPIs
Bid optimization and campaign adjustment
Creation of new advertising campaigns and ads
Order Now
Monthly Budget Above $30,000 Plus
Creation of ad campaigns
Development of the Google Ads strategy
Intensive keyword research
Creation and testing of advertisements
Selection and adaptation of the bid strategies
Optimization of technical campaign settings
Conversion tracking and modeling
Maintenance and optimization of campaigns
Analysis of performance indicators, tracking KPI for the project
Testing hypotheses on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
Optimization of advertising campaigns based on KPIs
Bid optimization and campaign adjustment
Creation of new advertising campaigns and ads
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At Softcrust, we understand that navigating the world of Google Ads can be complex, especially when structuring your budget and understanding pricing. Since Google Ads have been around since 2000, many business owners may still be unfamiliar with how Google Ads Packages work, how much their company should spend, and how to budget their ad spending effectively. As we enter a new year, business owners seek ways to expand their customer base and achieve their business goals. Our experience managing Google Ads Packages has taught us that it is one of the most effective ways to grow your business, and we’re here to share our knowledge of the costs and benefits of different packages.

The cost of Google Ads Packages varies significantly based on multiple factors, such as the competitiveness of your chosen keywords, the quality of your ads, and their relevance to search queries. For instance, highly competitive keywords in industries like insurance, legal services, and education can drive up costs. However, Google’s Quality Score also plays a crucial role. Better quality scores often lead to lower costs and higher ad placements, emphasizing the need to optimize your ad content and landing pages for the best performance. 

To help our clients navigate these complexities, we offer a variety of Google Ads Packages, Prices, and options tailored to different business needs. From our Google Ads Gold Package to our Google Ads Platinum Packages, each option is crafted to maximize your ad spend’s effectiveness and ensure you achieve your business goals. With Softcrust, you’ll benefit from our expertise in optimizing ad content and landing pages to achieve a higher return on investment.

We believe in transparent and flexible billing practices. Softcrust offers at least a six-month contract to ensure your campaigns have ample time to produce tangible results. Google does not charge every month; rather, it charges you when your ad spend reaches certain thresholds. Whether you’re considering Google Ads Silver Packages or our higher-tier offerings, our team of experts is here to guide you through the process and help you maximize the potential of your campaigns. Reach out to Softcrust today to discuss how our specialized packages can drive growth for your business and offer unparalleled value.