
7 Social Media Tips To Grow Your Business Faster 2020

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7 Social Media Tips To Grow Your Business Faster 2020

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You’re on Facebook you’re on Twitter you’re on Instagram you’re on LinkedIn why are you even generating sales from these social networks I bet you’re not

In this Blog I’m gonna share with you 7 social media tips that’ll make your business grow faster now I have a question for you how many of you guys share content on social sites like Facebook and get very little to no likes or engagement from no comments to no one liking to no one clicking on your website if that’s you leave your comment.

You know what you’re not the only one who’s there a lot of people are there even me with hundreds of fans on my Facebook page there were times when I was only getting 5 or 6 likes but then I learned some of these hacks and it not only changed how I did on Facebook but it helped grow my business faster.

Tip # 1:

The first hack I have for you and this works for all social sites Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram if you respond to every single comment you’re gonna get more engagement see Facebook values a comment more than they value a like same with LinkedIn same with Instagram.

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They’re harder to do for people so when they comment it shows these social sites and these platforms that hey your content is good so when someone leaves a comment respond to their comment and don’t just answer the comment but also encourage them by asking a question.

In your response, it’s a great way to not only get more comments but keep the momentum going so that way your post is much more likely to go viral on these social sites.

Tip #2:

The second tip I have for you is specific to LinkedIn whenever you’re writing your description so let’s say you’re sharing content or something from your website on LinkedIn keep your sentence is very short if you look at my profile on LinkedIn you’ll notice I do one or two small sentences usually I’ll do four or five but I start off with short sentences and you only see one or two at the top.

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Then you have to click a see more link I do that on purpose because with LinkedIn the more people that click see more the more viral my content is gonna go on LinkedIn because it tells LinkedIn that hey people want to see more they like my content that encourages them to show it to more people it’s a quick hack.

It’ll get you way more traffic and engagement on LinkedIn.

Tip # 3:

The third tip I have for you is don’t just promote your business everyone’s like yeah I want sales from Facebook I want sales from LinkedIn I’m just gonna start promoting my products and services well if you keep doing that and you’re not being social.

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Because the whole purpose of these social sites is to be social you’re gonna find that your reach is gonna tank and no one’s gonna see your content like or engage with it so every once in a while I would actually do this at least two to three times a week.

Share quotes, share a picture, share a story to share something that doesn’t talk about your business or promote it may be helping other people give value this creates so much more engagement because you’re not driving people away from the social sites they want to keep people on LinkedIn they want to keep people on Facebook it’s one of the simplest hacks and then when you respond to all those comments and you engage, it boosts the overall Authority of your page.

Your profile that way when you share more stuff related to your business you’re gonna get way more traffic cuz your overall page Authority or profile Authority is gonna be way higher.

Tip # 4:

The fourth tip is to leverage stories on Instagram and Facebook they get so much engagement what I like doing is sharing stories multiple times a day not just one or two stories but like 10, 12, 13, and even on Instagram what you can do that’s really cool that you’re sharing stories you can help people to swipe up.

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John does this a ton when he has like a podcast or a blog post he’s like swipe up, swipe up it gets so much more engagement that way his podcast is getting more downloads people are going more to say he’s getting more conversions, and sales.

It’s a simple hack it works well and if you do multiple updates to your story each and every single day because you have more opportunities to get people to swipe up.

Tip # 5:

The 5th tip I have for you is Cross manage all your social profiles you’re not just on Facebook you’re not just on LinkedIn, you’re on all of them alright at least you’re on the major ones so tall it to your Twitter fans or followers to follow you on Facebook.

Social media marketing tips

Tell your Facebook people to get follow you on Twitter, tell your people on LinkedIn to check out your Twitter, and your Facebook and your Instagram do that and vice versa with all your profiles.

Because they’ll all become more popular than when you post your content or promote your business more likely that more people will see it.

Here’s the thing just because you have a thousand fans or a hundred thousand fans you post something there’s no way that the majority of your fans are gonna see it you’re lucky if 10 percent see it.

By cross-promoting gives you a higher chance that your true fans your potential customers are gonna see your new stuff whether it’s a blog post, a podcast, a new product, or a new service.

They’re more likely to see it.

Tip # 6:

The 6th tip I have for you is to use exit pop-ups I have a question how many of you guys like exit pop-ups if you like it exit pop-ups leave a comment.

Social media marketing tips and tricks

I’m gonna guess that most of you hate them and I’m curious to see what they say you know why I leveraged exit pop-ups it’s one of the highest converting things you can do someone’s gonna leave your site might as well create that last-ditch effort to get them to convert and I don’t recommend doing it on mobile I would recommend doing it just for desktop.

If you want to do it on mobile I would recommend that you wait at least 30 seconds before you show it because it’s too hard to detect when they’re gonna leave your site now here’s the thing with these mobile pop-ups you can ask them to follow you on Facebook, follow you on Instagram, whether it’s a desktop or mobile technique.

You can do it on both I was doing it on my older blog, which I no longer own and I found by just doing the exit pop of asking people to follow me on Facebook I was generating a thousand new fans, kids you’re not a thousand new fans per week that’s a lot through one simple hack and you can do that for free using a tool like

Tip #7:

The last tip I have for you it’s a test out videos on social platforms, live video? so if you create video you’re giving them more potential eyeballs instead of the television networks that’s why companies like Netflix and Hulu they’re pushing so much on paid content.

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Everyone including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all the social sites wants that video content so consider creating it because when you do you’re gonna get more engagement, and even in your videos you can promote your business.

like this hey if you want more tips on growing your business or you want more help make sure you go check out my ad agency where I help your businesses to grow.

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