
How to Increase Google Ranking for Free 2020

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How to Increase Google Ranking for Free 2020

Many people are looking for shortcuts to improve their visibility on Google.

But SEO is a time-consuming and ongoing process and consider suspicious all those companies who are guaranteed ranking in days.

But no worries in this blog, I will show you how to improve your Google ranking in simple steps.

I know everyone including me is interested in one question:

How much time Does It Take to Improve Google Rankings?

I am gonna give you a definite answer about how long it takes to rank, it depends

While I know that you are thinking that it Is frustrating but it’s the truth.

SEO doesn’t happen overnights. Every situation has its own requirements.

Your skill level, your budget, the difficulty of competition, and how your website builds up against your competitors these all factors play an important role in quick ranking.

So, keeping that in mind, let’s be more specific and describe how we can rank sooner on Google than later.

So If your aim is to improve your sales, growth, or conversion by ranking your website to the first page of Google here are 5 steps you must take.

#1: Bad website design and Content Planning

Bad website design and poor content can destroy even the best SEO campaigns.

If the navigation of your website is difficult for users and also tough for Google to crawl, your rankings are likely to hurt.

Consider “usability first” on mobile devices. That is the route to victory.

Execute a Technical SEO Audit.

There are hundreds of signals and machine learning that Google algorithm covers to figure out search rankings.

Focusing on SEO Basics will give you an advantage over your competitors.

Here’s a step-by-step process to follow.

Look after Duplicate Content

A Technical SEO audit will cover the duplicate content issue, most of the time the issue is with multiple versions of the same page.

For example,,,, and Google considers these 4 versions as 4 different sites with duplicate content.

This can be resolved by canonical tags or redirect rules.

#2: Improve Mobile Optimization

Now when Google released mobile-first index or mobile accelerated pages so the mobile-friendly test is a must-pass for your website.

According to Google:

our crawling, indexing and ranking systems have typically used the desktop version of a page’s content… Mobile-first indexing means that we’ll use the mobile version of the page for indexing and ranking


So it’s proved that we must ensure the crash of mobile ranking, and we should double down on mobile tasks and performance.


Assume about if users landed on your website what you want them to perform. That task you want to perform for your visitors must be easy to do and can perform without any difficulties, even while multi-tasking.

Ensure that the first content full objective can easily achieve by mobile users.


Do your visitors scroll and scroll your website endlessly to find your services or products?

Do images slough down loading times on your website?

Did you know that in July Google gonna start page speed as a mobile ranking factor?

On mobile devices, loading time is a basic factor, especially since most of the networks on the mobile turn out to be slower than those of PCs.

#3: Improve The Speed of your Website

Continuously monitor and make improvements in the speed of both mobile and desktop.

To gauge the performance Use the Google PageSpeed tool.

You can optimize page speed in the following steps.

Image Size

Use images from a URL not physically.

Use image compression and optimizer tool to further optimize your images before uploading.

Ensure that you are uploading the right dimension image to the reserved image space to retain a clean structured look on your website.

Browser Caching

A web browser loads a number of resources when it loads a web page. These resource files save locally on the user’s computer by Browser caching. In this way, when a user visits a new page these resources do not need to load again.

The best way to enable browser caching is to add code to the webserver .htaccess file.

There are plugins available for browser caching for WordPress users.

Script Handling

Ensure that you need those extra JS and CSS files that make
your website performance slower.

To keep things running fast minify your files strip by comments.

Merge several scripts into a single If it’s possible in this way there will only be one retrieving call to the server to load all the scripts.

#4: Work on the Internal & External Links

In your website ranking, Both internal and external links still have a huge influence.

Here we go for some tips for polishing up links.

Fix Broken Links

For better user experience you must establish a habit of fixing broken links.

With the help of some free tools, you can easily spot and fix the 404 errors like Semrush, Ubersuggest, and W3C link checker.

Exact Match Anchor

By selecting internal anchor text, misuse of exact match anchor text can be harmful as an external linking strategy but still plays an important role.

As with anything, don’t be spammy, but if it’s relevant – use it.

Search Engine Journal

Search for your Site Mention and turn it to Links.

Set Google Alert to get your site mentioned.

Across the web, it will help you to keep track of your brand mention.

Contact with website owner where your brand is mentioned to convert that mention to a link.

You can find unlinked brands mentioned by Google advance query i.e “domain – site:”
like soft crust –

#5: On-page Optimization

To help you in optimization and promote online via Google search Google makes a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide.

Just by applying that basic SEO for the website as explained in the Google guide can beat many of your competitors.

Best Practices

Tell Google What Your Pages Are About

To tell Google about your website each page adds structured data throughout your website. In this way, Google will understand each page of your website.

Google preferred the Schema formate.

Recipes, product businesses, authors, etc are types of Schema.

Make Brief, Unique & Descriptive Titles

Make a title that is descriptive and sounds natural not just put a lot of keywords.

Create a unique tile for every page. Do powerful keyword research and then start the title with your keywords.

Create ‘Clickable’ Meta Descriptions

A well-written and catchy meta description plays a vital role in CTR. The result of a good meta description improves your website traffic.

So, ensure that all the pages’ description is both unique and powerful to click.

Google can generate an auto meta description if you don’t use it or if Google doesn’t like your meta description.


Google will mark all the websites as spam if spammy techniques and schemes are used, anyone who seriously needs ranking and needs to sustain it can take a long view.

The strategies mentioned above aren’t shortcuts and are spammy or new. They do, however, require work and a continual investment of resources.