
How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Facebook Advertisement Consultant

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How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Facebook Advertisement Consultant

Facebook Advertisement

Effective Facebook marketing is the best way to attract potential customers and keep engaging existing ones. With over 2 billion users, the Facebook advertisement platform allows businesses to target any type of audience in the world.

I am also gonna answer the top-rated question “Is Facebook advertising good for business?”

The micro-targeting features of Facebook help you hit your exact target audience. This is great for your budget, conversion rates, and investment returns. You’re just paying for hitting your potential customers.

It is important to know the Facebook ad types to yield the best results.

Facebook ad types:

  1. Image ads
  2. Video ads
  3. Video poll ads
  4. Carousel ads
  5. Slideshow ads
  6. Collection ads
  7. Instant Experience ads
  8. Lead ads
  9. Dynamic ads
  10. Messenger ads
  11. Stories ads
  12. Stories augmented reality ads
  13. Playable ads

Image ads:

These ads are the simple ones best to start the Facebook advertisement. You can create these ads with a few clicks by enhancing any existing post from our page that has an image.

Video ads:

These ads run in stories or news-feed on Facebook. Also, these ads can appear in long Facebook videos as in-stream. 

It is not compulsory to use filmed video footage, you can use any GIF or animation to attract your customers.

Video poll ads:

These types of ads are limited to the Facebook mobile application. This ad type includes an interactive element with video polls. These are the latest type of Facebook paid advertisements.

Carousel ads:

In carousel ads, you can use up to 10 images to show your products or services. This format can be used to highlight the different advantages of a single product or several products.

Slideshow ads:

These ads offer an easy way to create short video ads from a collection of photos, text, or video clips. This type provides a facility to use stock photos if you don’t have images.

Slideshow ads have eye-catching motion just like videos but use less bandwidth that’s why they load even for people on slow internet connections.

Collection ads

These paid ads are only offered for mobile devices. These Facebook ads allow you to showcase five products that your customers can click to buy.

Collection ads along with Instant Experiences allow people to buy your products without leaving Facebook. 

Instant Experience ads:

These ads are also known as Canvas. They have a full-screen format that loads faster than a website outside of Facebook.

Lead ads:

These ad formats are only available for mobile devices. These ads are designed specifically to make it easy for people without much typing to give you contact information. They’re awesome to receive email updates, sign up for a trial or else let people ask you for more stuff. 

Dynamic ads:

These paid ads allow you to promote targeted products to the customers who are most likely to be interested in them. 

For example, if someone visits your page and adds a product to their cart and then refused to buy, dynamic ads will be shown on their Facebook page for that particular product. These ads remind the potential customer to complete the purchase. 

Messenger ads:

These ads allow you to reach 1.3 billion users who use Messenger monthly. These ads are easy to create, you just need to select Messenger as the desired placement. 

You can also run “click-to-Messenger” ads in your Facebook feed. These ads have a call-to-action button that opens a Messenger conversation with your Facebook Page, so people can have a one-on-one conversation with your salespeople or customer service representative.

Stories ads:

These paid ads are in a vertical full-screen video format, which allows you to maximize the image screen without expecting the viewers to turn the screen.

Stories augmented reality ads:

The augmented reality ad format is new to Facebook, these ads use features like filters and animations that allow people to interact with your brand.

Playable ads:

It is also a modern ad format for interactivity. You create a game experience that encourages people to interact with your content.

How to create Facebook Ads?

To advertise on Facebook you must have a Facebook business page. If you don’t have any, you’ll need to create a Facebook business page first.

The easiest way to build the Facebook ad campaign is to go to the Facebook Advertising Manager or the Business Manager.

Step1: Choosing an objective

Log in to Facebook Advertising Manager and click the 

Campaigns tab then click on “Create” to launch a new campaign on Facebook. 

Depending on what you want your ad to do, Facebook has 11 targeting goals.

  • Brand awareness
  • Reach
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • App installs
  • Video views
  • Lead generation
  • Messages
  • Conversions
  • Catalog sales
  • Store traffic

Select a marketing target for that particular advertisement depending on your goals. You also should know that for conversion-oriented objectives you need to pay per action but for exposure objectives, you will pay for impressions.

Step 2: Naming the Campaign

Name the ad campaign by scrolling down. You can also choose whether to run an A / B split test or you can also turn on the budget optimization.

Step 3: Setting up the ad account

If you have already set up the account you will see a button, you have to click that button and move to the next step.

In case you have a new account you will see a button to set up the ad account.

Click that button and enter some key information to build your ad account. Enter your country, preferred currency, and time zone.

Choose appropriately, as you’d have to create a separate ad account if you want to change these options later.

Step 4: Targeting the audience

On the top of this page, you have to name your campaign and choose a page that you want to promote.

After doing this, you will scroll down to build your target audience.

The first option is to add a custom audience who have already interacted with your business.

Start with selecting your target location, age, gender, and language.

While making your selections, look at the indication scale of the audience on the right side of the screen, which gives you a sense of your possible ad reach.

The next step is detailed targeting. There are two areas in your field upon which to determine your audience: 

Detailed targeting: In this area, individuals, focused on backgrounds, preferences, and actions will particularly, be included or excluded. Here you really should get specific. 

Connections: You can target or remove individuals who have a connection with your current Facebook page, your application, or any event that you have organized.

Step 5: Choosing ad placement

Move down to choose placement for your ad. if you are new, simply use Automatic Placement. Facebook will automatically place the ad where it is likely to get the best results.

But if you want to place the ad in your desired location, you have the following options:

  • Device type like Mobile, desktop, or both.
  • Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, or Messenger
  • Placements like in Feeds, Stories, in-stream, messages, in-article, and apps and sites.
  • Specific mobile devices and operating systems like iOS, Android, feature phones, or all devices.

Step 6: Setting the budget and schedule

Next, you have to decide how much money you want to spend on your ad campaign. You have two options; decide your daily budget or lifetime budget. One more option is offered; schedule your ad for the future or make it live right now.

Click “Continue” when you make your choices and are satisfied with the size indicator.

Step 7: Creating the ad

Choose the ad format then enter the text and media of your ad. The formats available depend upon the campaign objective you selected back in the beginning.

To ensure that your ad looks fine for all potential placements, use the preview feature at the bottom of the list!

Click on the “Confirm” button to place your order, when you are satisfied with your option. Then wait for a Facebook e-mail notifying you about the acceptance of your ad.

Alternatively, you can go for Facebook group marketing to engage a high percentage of your audience for free.

When to hire Facebook Ad Consultant?

Wait until you are so burdened with other company tasks to outsource Facebook ad management that you have no more time to make changes and enhancements in the ad manager. However, other conditions would lead to outsourcing as quickly as possible, such as:

  • Your company has a very competitive or crowded market.
  • You tried Facebook ads yourself and did not see good ROI.
  • You have been facing obstacles with unapproved ads or blocked ad accounts.
  • You do not have the technical expertise that is required to run the campaigns.

Your company has a very competitive or crowded market:

You don’t have the luxury of slowly developing your Facebook marketing skills and adopting a trial-and-error approach, because you belong to an industry in which other businesses are already using Facebook marketing.

Since social media marketing — and Facebook in particular — are among the best ways to meet the largest number of potential customers today, you will have to partner with a company or business with demonstrated impact on your website but before hiring must ask for their Facebook social media marketing strategy which they will implement during the process.

You tried Facebook ads yourself and did not see good ROI:

Although Facebook advertising is a comparatively cheap and efficient way to meet the right people, money, and resources are needed. Many marketing dollars are invested to ensure that the savings are returned. You will have to turn into a more tested, professional marketer because the time and energy investments you make do not contribute to sales.

It can be worse than not getting a good ROI in your marketing effort. It makes sense to pay a bit extra on Facebook advertising than you used to work on your own, to partner with a contractor, and to get a lot more in return.

You have been facing obstacles with unapproved ads or blocked ad accounts:

Facebook advertisement is a very unique and fragile environment. Social media sites, in today’s world of scams and falsified data, prefer to reverse content they feel can go against legislation, traditions, or desires. in general. You may believe that, ethically, you have generated completely legal advertisements, but Facebook may disagree due to a minor and often difficult question.

Since you probably do have not the patience to become an expert on all terms and conditions of Facebook, turn to someone who doesn’t waste your time and resources or place the integrity of your company in jeopardy.

You do not have the technical expertise that is required to run the campaigns:

Facebook made advertising very convenient for everyone. 

Yet you need a more advanced knowledge of technological competence to run a truly effective and productive program. 

To build visually and strategically effective ads, leverage your scope, meet an optimal audience goal, and truly appreciate and increase your ROI, you need a knowledge base that you as an unrelated professional do not have. 

You can make costly advertisements on Facebook, especially without the appropriate experience and preparation. 

Facebook advertising will generate a big ROI for your company, between 4X and 8X if they are handled correctly.

How to hire a Facebook ad consultant?

Freelance platforms like FreeeUp, Upwork, Fiverr, and Credo allow organizations to recognize and employ freelance advisors on Facebook. The good news is that you will meet them, interview them, and see samples of their work when you search for freelancers on these pages. The platforms have now adapted measures to ban freelancers and companies who breach their laws and regulations.

This qualification offers contractors job or hourly billing solutions and a strong technical understanding of Facebook advertising. Facebook itself says it can help you boost the campaign’s effectiveness and productivity by employing a Facebook-certified Marketing Professional, providing specialist advice for the necessary software, and providing a cost-efficient and scalable approach.

Wherever you consider the best Facebook advertising consultant to meet the requirements, you also have to ensure that those who are recruiting are professional at what they do. When recruiting a freelancer for Facebook ads, some of the questions you would like to ask include:

  • How much Facebook ad experience do you have?
  • Which is your normal monthly budget?
  • Can you share your findings with any examples?
  • Should you make your ads or outsource the technical job to others?
  • How do you track the results and comment on ROI?


If your business is small and you have to do a lot more work then you can outsource Facebook advertising consultant or Facebook services. In that case, you have to make it work because you have to pay Facebook ad money and an agency fee. If it didn’t work it will be unaffordable.

When you have the budget, the funnel takes time in conversion then you will not be short of cash. In another case, if you have a proven sales funnel then you will get immediate results. If you have short cash you should think about running your ads. it will save you money from management fees and you can use this money in Facebook ads and get quick results.


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